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The Mosaic Project Residency is an education initiative of KCA that addresses history through art making, critical thinking and inquiry-based learning. Students will work with world-class teaching artists from around the globe in Visual Art, Music, and Dance. Our curriculum is designed in alignment with the Culturally Responsive-Sustaining Education Framework, and can be implemented over the course of 4-16 weeks, depending on your school’s budget and schedule.  


The Mosaic Project Music Program invites young people to learn the introductory principles of music making through a global lens. Learning folkloric songs from Cuba, West Africa, and India, students will explore the concepts of rhythm, melody, and collaboration while learning from artists and each other.


Get on your feet! Movement is a common thread in all our lives. For centuries dance and movement have helped people connect to themselves, their communities, and the world. During this Residency, students will work alongside exceptional teaching artists from Africa, Mexico, India, and the Caribbean. With a foundation in techniques and traditions from different corners of the globe, students will then have the opportunity to create original choreographic work.

Visual Arts

Discover art-making through a global lens. Students explore ink drawing using authentic materials to explore Chinese calligraphy, study color and color mixing through the art of the Caribbean, learn about symbols through the art of Ancient Egyptian hieroglyphics, composition through Mexican muralism and pattern and repetition by creating their own Rangoli. Their creative energy is directed towards understanding their ability to engage with novel intersections and the unfamiliar.


Please note that while standard pricing for this program is $500 per class, we will continue to offer discounted rates to schools that require financial support in order to participate. 


Jake Goldbas, Director of Education Programs at


We are a NYC Department of Education approved Vendor. Please use vendor name QUEENS COLLEGE and vendor number COL022000 when placing a Purchase Order with the DOE.